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Interactive Environment

Project Details


Engine: Unity C#, Blender
Solo Project

6,5 week

Interactive Game Development


I developed an immersive environment using Blender for and imported it into Unity. In Unity, I scripted all functionalities in C#, including basic orientation, movement, button presses, and interactions with various objects. Additional features I implemented include:


  • Picking up and throwing objects using force.

  • Opening and closing doors using raycasting.

  • A radio in another room that plays music that you can turn on and off, with the volume increasing as you approach it.

The function I dedicated the most time to was integrating my previous maze project into the scene. When interacting with the computer in the game, players can play my first Unity project, which was a maze game.

This integration was challenging due to my limited experience with Unity and C#. I had to ensure the entire project existed within the same scene to provide a seamless experience for entering and exiting the game. Using different scenes made it difficult to respawn at the computer after exiting the game.

This required activating and deactivating all controls, assets, and cameras when interacting with the computer. And the other way round when canceling the game


After overcoming several obstacles, I successfully achieved the desired functionality.


Through this project, I gained a much better understanding of coding and how to integrate different programs and projects. It was an enjoyable learning experience.

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